What’s New
We have made significant changes to the current wait action to make the user experience better and make the action more powerful
- Branching – Now there will be two separate branches, one for an actual condition and one separate branch for Timeout. Using this users can take actions based on if the contact has fulfilled the wait condition or the wait has timed out.
- Text explanations for each branch – A text explanation for each branch node, will explain what will happen for that specific branch.

- New UI for dropdown – A brand new UI for the “Wait For” field to give users more visibility to all the available options

- Enhanced stats view – Now users can, move/remove selective contacts waiting on wait action, to next action. Also “Next Execution Time” will be displayed on the stats view

- Changes in the Execution Logs – We have added bifurcation for the timed out contacts and the contacts that are have fulfilled the conditions in the Execution logs details section.

What will happen to my existing Wait actions?
By default no changes will be done to your current “Wait” actions, these will be working as expected. If you want to switch to the newer version please follow the below-mentioned steps
- On opening any older version of the Wait action with the timeout option, you will see a banner about new branching changes. You can move to the new UI by clicking on “Enable branching”
- A pop-up window will open, click on “Confirm”
- You will see another banner stating that Branching was enabled
- Save the action